JDA specializes in serving municipalities and local governments. We provide a variety of services from design of roadway and utilities to the master planning of storm drainage, and water systems infrastructure to construction administration of projects. We are knowledgeable of the time constraints and budget needs of municipalities and work with them to complete successful projects on time and within budget.
Water Supply, Treatment and Distribution
From Water System Master Plans to the design of water distribution and transmission mains to the design and analysis of booster pump stations, treatment plant methods and hydraulics, JDA offer full services for municipal water systems.
Sanitary Sewer Systems
JDA has designed miles of sanitary sewer mains and many sewer pump stations. We have also worked extently with clients in the selection and permitting of packaged wastewater treatment plants.
JDA is experienced in the design of urban collector and arterial streets, residential streets, traffic signals and multi-use pathways. We were on several design teams for the Yuma Area Service Highway project. We have expertise in roadway geometrics and we understand the importance of detailed design in the roadway design process.